Billing - Liberty


Invoice version 4.0

As of January 1, 2022 the new version of the CFDI came into effect, however, there is a coexistence period so as of April 1, 2023 the only valid version is 4.0.

Relevant changes of mandatory use:

  1. The field “Receiver name, denomination or company name”.
  2. The fields “Receiver’s tax regime” are included.
  3. Recipient’s tax address (Zip Code)
  4. The “Export” field has been added, where it must be indicated whether the voucher corresponds to a definitive or temporary export operation.
  5. The tax object field is added.

These changes apply to income and expense invoices, payment receipt complements and payroll.

  • Tax data
  • Certificate of tax situation
  • Invoice changes
  • Receipt of payment
  • Cancellation request

Tax data update.

Due to the changes stipulated in the SAT tax reform for 2022, which is mandatory as of April 1, 2023, it is necessary to have updated tax information of the recipient (trustee), to generate tax invoices version 4.0, which are the following:

  1. Name or name/company name:

    • Legal entity: Name/company name (without regime, capital, example. SA de CV. Sapi s de rl de CV, etc.).
    • Natural person: Full name in order of first name(s), paternal surname and maternal surname (it must be indicated how certificate of current tax situation comes).
    Ma del Carmen Ruiz Gutierrez
    (certificate of tax situation)
    Ma. del Carmen Ruiz Gutierrez
    (in official minutes or documents)
  2. Tax regime:
    Indicated in certificate of tax situation.
  3. Tax address:
    It is the Postal Code that shows certificate of tax situation.

If you want us to update your tax information in our billing database, please send us your correct tax information through WhatsApp or to the email

Download your certificate of tax situation on the SAT page.

To enter you must have a password (CIEC) or E.Firma
What can you do if you don't have an E.Firma or password?
The SAT service offers the option of requesting certificate of tax status through SAT ID.

  1. Enter from a device (computer, cell phone or tablet) that has a camera and microphone.
  2. Gather the following information and documentation:
    • RFC.
    • Personal email.
    • 10 digit cell phone number.
    • Valid official identification (in PDF).
  3. Select the option Certificate of tax situation with CIF.
  4. Follow the instructions on the site.

  5. At the end of the process, the certificate will be sent to the e-mail address you provided.

If you need to request a change to your invoice for the following concepts:

  • Date change.
  • Change and/or update of tax data.
  • Cancellation due to change in rate or amount.
  • Cancellation due to change of beneficiary, concept, validity.
  • Change of payment date in payment receipt plugin.
  • Change in exchange rate in payment receipt supplement.

All these changes apply only if they are requested within the fiscal year that do not have partial payments or full payment and for changes in fiscal data, it is to the RFC of the person who is going to make the payment.

Payment Receive Plugin

As of January 1, 2022, the version of the payment plugin is updated to version 2.0, its use being mandatory as of April 1, 2023.

The main changes are:

  • New fields are included to identify whether the payments for the operations covered by the receipt are subject to taxes.
  • A new section is included with a summary of the total amounts of payments made expressed in national currency, as well as the taxes that are transferred.

Bill Payment Supplements (P) are generated when the recipient of the income statement makes a partial or full payment. The payment invoice is related to the revenue invoice through UUID.

To generate a payment receipt plugin in Liberty bonds

We have two options so you can obtain the complement. Receiving payments:

  1. Making your payment with bank reference of your income invoice.

    Bank Cash payment CLABE Account Bank Transfer Payment type Reason or Concept of Payment
    BANORTE Service Number 64700 072180005580059479 TEF 22643803
    SANTANDER Service Number 1335 014180655022456171 SPEI 22643803
    BANORTE DOLARES Account 0103201241 072180001032012418 SWIFT: MENOMXMT    
    BANCOMER CIE01419501 012914002014195012 SPEI 22643803

    Once the transfer is reflected in the Liberty Fianzas bank account, you will be able to obtain your CFDI payment the next day, through “Download your CFDI”, where you have four options to recover them:

    • By bond
    • UUID
    • XML
    • Invoice Series and Folio (internal folio, series and folio A 000001)
  2. Manual application

    If the payment was not made by reference and it was not applied automatically, you have the option to report it to the Collection
    report it to the Collection Area for manual application.

    The collection area will send you your payment voucher or you can download it at Download your CFDI.

Acceptance of cancellation request through tax mailbox:

For those suppliers and/or agents who have issued an invoice to Liberty Fianzas and it exceeds a total amount of $1000.00 pesos and its issuance is greater than one business day and it is necessary to cancel due to modifications or errors in issuance, it will be necessary to send us your cancellation request through the SAT portal or the services of a certification provider, using your digital seal certificate, regardless of the version that has been issued, the invoice (3.3 or 4.0).

Once the cancellation request is received, Liberty Fianzas must express through the SAT portal no later than within the following 3 business days, counted from the receipt of the invoice cancellation request, the acceptance or denial of said cancellation request. cancellation.

You will need to send us an email to or
WhatsApp message
with the reason for the cancellation request, since if you do not receive said information, the cancellation request will be rejected.

Do you have doubts about the invoicing process?

Write to us at
55 4781 5268

or by e-mail